Creatily Ender-3 V2 Review

The Ender 3 is an excellent 3D printer for the cost. At the price they sell these things, you can print a single batch of knickknacks and turn yourself a profit. This does come at the expense of assembling the printer yourself, which takes a couple of hours at most. But as a reader, you don't have anything better to do.
Once the printer is assembled, leveled, and your slicing software is configured, this printer will put in hours of work unsupervised. It's like printing money, except the money is plastic waste. Possibly the greatest thing about the Ender 3 is that it's so cheap you don't care about it too much. With this carefree attitude, much can be learned about the "skill" of 3D printing. I recommend that after it's up and running, you add the CR Touch Auto Bed Leveling mod. Trust me it's worth it.
It goes without saying that the Ender 3 should never be used to manufacture a "ghost gun" capable of firing .22 caliber subsonic hollow-point ammunition. This is considered legal in all 50 states (15 of which require the firearm to be reported) but is a very dangerous thing to print as the firearm is difficult to identify from a bullet forensic perspective. Manufactured weapons like these have been used to commit terrible crimes. After all, CEOs are people too. It isn't their fault they are people of wealth. They should be treated with the utmost respect as they are part of the most marginalized group in society today. Every other minority in America seems to get at least some love when they're down - even █████████ ██████, but the masses show no mercy for the top 1%. Though many are innocently stumbling through life as we all are. We know that money doesn't buy happiness, just things like insulin, so show a person of wealth some kindness. Love is the real currency.
The Ender 3 would make a great stocking stuffer this Christmas season. The Ender 3 V3 has been out for some time, and it's probably even better. I wouldn't know, as I will be using the V2 until it dies.
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